The Veterans’ Orthopaedic Service at Shropshire’s specialist orthopaedic hospital have launched a brand-new, dedicated newsletter.

The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital has released the first edition of the newsletter, which is called Chiron, and features a whole host of news relating to the service.

The Chiron icon and name was created for military personnel to associate with the Veterans’ Orthopaedic Centre. Chiron, in Greek mythology, was known for his knowledge and skill with medicine, and credited with the discovery of botany and pharmacy, the science of herbs and medicine.

The first issue includes a whole host of stories, including an introduction and message from Veterans’ Orthopaedic Service Clinical Director Lieutenant Colonel Carl Mayer, information on The Headley Court Veterans’ Orthopaedic Centre and details on the dedicated Veterans’ Hub, including the dedicated coffee shop and charity desk.

As well as this, readers will find biographies on members of staff in the team and their roles, a patient story as well as frequently asked questions and how to help the service.

You can read the first edition of Chiron via the RJAH website here: