The bucket list event – donned the cliff-hanger challenge – took place on site at RJAH over the weekend and saw around 60 participants abseil down from a 150ft crane, raising a fantastic £13,000 for the children’s ward.

The Oswestry-based hospital launched their Garden for Alice fundraising appeal with the aim of creating a beautiful inclusive sensory garden for paediatric patients and their families.

Participants included RJAH’s Chief Nursing and Patient Safety Officer, consultant orthopaedic surgeons, nursing staff, previous patients and volunteers.

Beryl Angel, who is 80 years old and volunteers at the hospital, was the first participant to brave the dizzying heights of the challenge. She said: “It was truly an unforgettable experience; I have never done anything like it before but I’m so pleased to have taken part.

“Getting off from the platform was the most nerve-wracking bit, just for a moment I thought I couldn’t do it but thanks to some encouragement from my son and daughter-in-law who had gone up with me, and the calm and reassuring event crew, I did it!

“I decided to take part to raise funds for the Garden for Alice appeal as it’s such a worthwhile cause.

“I am so pleased that I have been able to help and want to offer a heartfelt thanks to everyone who has donated so generously – support from everyone at the hospital, family and friends has been overwhelming.”

Stacey Keegan, Chief Executive, said: “Well done to all the brilliant participants – what a great event that people are still talking about!”

Victoria Sugden, Charity Director, said: “A huge thank you to everyone who braved our cliffhanger challenge in order to raise funds for our Garden for Alice appeal.

“Thanks must also go to our event sponsors Skyjack UK and Tuskers for their generosity.”

To support this event with a last minute donation please visit:

If you would like to discuss any fundraising ideas for the Garden for Alice campaign, please contact RJAH Charity directly by:

Pictured: Cliffhanger participant Maddy Sugden ready to abseil down from the 150ft crane in aid of the Garden for Alice appeal.