Ellesmere Rotary continues to plan for a full programme of events in 2022, despite the uncertainty that clouds the near horizon for everyone. At the meeting held on the 5th of January, President Derek Clifford announced that there will be a meeting of the Regatta Committee in February, when the details of Rotary’s traditional July Regatta on The Mere will be outlined. Derek will continue as President for the Rotary Year 2022/23, as so few of the events he was looking forward to in 2021/22 were able to go ahead. Much of the work for the annual Charter Anniversary has been done, but a firm date has not yet been set. This is also the case for the Winter Presentation Evening, when the Tree of Light proceeds will be distributed, along with other disbursements.
Happily, Rotary were able to display Remembrance Cards on the Christmas Tree in the Ellesmere Tesco store for the 2021 Tree of Light Appeal, and we are extremely grateful to Tesco’s Chris Harris and his team for enabling this to take place. So far, the total collected stands at £1640-00, which will be shared equally between the Trussell Trust’s Food Bank in Oswestry (which also serves Ellesmere) and the Ellesmere Carnival Committee. From Ellesmere Rotary’s own Charity Fund, members voted to make donations to the Tesco Charity Fund, which supports worthy causes, the Shropshire Branch of The Royal British Legion, to help with the support that it gives to needy veterans, and the Ellesmere Yarn Bombers group, whose colourful knitted and stitched creations adorn the town and help to celebrate all momentous events and occasions.
The next meeting of Ellesmere Rotary will be on the 19th of January and anyone wishing to find out more about our activities, or who might like to join, should contact the Secretary on 07763 945161.