Girls’ Brigade is the oldest organisation for girls. It began in 1893 when two ladies in Northern Ireland saw the need for girls to have some of the opportunities provided for boys.
The 1st Oswestry company was formed just at the end of the Second World War. A member of Christ Church, Miss Betty Carlyss, was commissioned as captain and the group was formed, although no uniforms were available until after the war because of rationing.
Today uniform is casual and in line with modern thinking. The programme is casual too. All leaders strive to follow the GB national guidelines but adapt the programme in consideration of the needs of individual girls. The girls are not tested or judged, but leaders strive to let each girl use her own gifts and develop in confidence. I think it is true to say that girls who remain in G.B. through the years and attend the GB leadership course know the personal benefits acquired for their future life.
Each week the girls have activities, with the programme changing every six weeks. There are always activities of fun, craft, games singing, cooking, acting and much more.
The present four leaders have completed safeguarding training. We welcome new members from four to fifteen years. GB meet every Monday during the school term from 6.00-7.30. Phone Lorna on 01691 680708 for more information, or turn up at the halls of Christ Church, opposite the library, and all girls will receive a warm welcome.