Hundreds of Wrexham Glyndwr University students have celebrated their graduation today as the first day of 2019 ceremonies were held at the institution.
The students, from Health, Social Science, Business and Psychology undergraduate and postgraduate courses, gained their qualifications in the first two of five ceremonies this week.
Fellowships were awarded to David Jones for services to the community and Nazir Afzal OBE for services to society at today’s ceremonies.
David said: “Thank you for allowing me to join you in this celebration of achievement. This is a mountain you choose to climb, and today is your summit. You’ve all proven that you can climb this mountain, but remember – there will always be people like me out there to help you if you get lost along the way.
“I know the quality of Wrexham Glyndwr graduates first hand and I’m proud to now have one of them working and training with me full time. I’m very grateful to Wrexham Glyndwr University for awarding me this Honorary Fellowship.”
And Nazir told graduates: “One individual – you – can bring a change. See this as a milestone on your journey. See this as an opportunity to build on what the great staff at this university have been able to give you. The only ceiling to your achievement is the one you create in your head.”
The fellows were presented to Wrexham Glyndwr University Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, Professor Maria Hinfelaar.
Wrexham Glyndwr University Vice-Chancellor, Maria Hinfelaar said: “Obtaining a degree is not easy. It isn’t supposed to be, whatever subject you’ve taken and whatever degree classification you have achieved. It takes dedication and concentration.
“We put students at the heart of everything we do at Wrexham Glyndwr University and we are continually investing in the student experience. So far, we have invested in The Study and The Gallery, which are brand new social and collaborative learning spaces; we have transformed teaching spaces downstairs along B-corridor; we have upgraded our catering facilities; invested in new clinical spaces for health education programmes; and opened a transformed state of the art sports facility jointly with the FAW at Colliers Park.
“During this academic year, we plan to further upgrade the foyer and reception area and we also aim to create a new space for graduate start-up businesses, which will be available for recent graduates who look to set up their independent businesses.
“In the longer term, Campus 2025 will bring many more exciting developments such as a new Learning Gateway building and a reconfiguration of the external spaces, making them more pedestrian-friendly.
“To fund this, we need to sell some pieces of land in and around Wrexham which we do not require for university buildings, and we aim to do this in tandem with wider development plans for the region. In other words, our plans to transform the university and offer the excellent facilities our students rightly expect should also help the plans for Wrexham and the surrounding area.
“We want to offer inspiring places, where people can thrive and inspire others. That is what learning is about.”