Age UK North Shropshire Supporters are running a photo competition to raise funds to help older people at this challenging time.

The organisers are looking for photos taken during lockdown all across Telford & Shropshire, such as views from a window, pictures taken on walks of the beautiful scenery and wildlife, or snaps of activities taken up that might include baking, painting or gardening.

There are two categories, one for 14 years and under and the other for 15 years and over. The entry cost is £2 per photo.

First prize winners will receive a framed photo of their winning entry, and the top three will receive a rosette and certificate. The best twelve entries will be featured in Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin’s 2022 calendar.

Anne Wignall, President of Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin, said: “You don’t have to be a great photographer to enter the competition – it’s the taking part that counts! During lockdown, older people have needed our help more than ever before, but we need more funds to be able to continue to do this work. We’re unable to carry out our usual fundraising activities at the moment, so we hope that generous local supporters will be able to give a couple of pounds to take part in our online competition.”

During lockdown, Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin has answered thousands of enquiries, provided phone calls to hundreds of isolated people living alone, or living with dementia, and helped many more older people with their shopping or provided help in the home.

For further information and details of how to enter the online photo competition:

For more information on Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin and how you can help older people in Telford & Shropshire you can visit their website or call 01743 233 123.

Picture: Anne Wignall, The Mere, Ellesmere