Oswestry Cambrian Rotary are grateful to Red Square Garage in Oswestry for the donation of a heavy-duty battery for the Santa Sleigh. The battery is a necessity for powering the LED lights, the amplifier and large speakers for the music.
President Anna Pugh said, “This battery, together with one provided by E M Hughes Garage will ensure that Santa’s Sleigh will be fully powered as it brings joy and excitement to hundreds of local youngsters as it travels around Oswestry and surrounding villages. It means that all the money we raise can be used to support local worthy causes.”
The Oswestry Cambrian Rotary is ready to welcome all genders and couples of 18+ from the local community who want to be “people of action”. They meet face-to-face at The Wynnstay Hotel, Church Street, Oswestry on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm and meet in the bar. Alternatively, you can join our meeting from anywhere via our Zoom account connection.
For more information on what their new style of Rotary has to offer contact Mike Lade on 01691 570917, info@oswestrycambrianrc.co.uk or see ww.oswestrycambrianrc.co.uk.
Pictured is Anna Pugh (Left), President of Oswestry Cambrian Rotary, receiving a heavy-duty battery from Kevin Jones and Steven Lawrence, co-owners of Red Square Garage.