Oswestry Angel’s have been thanked for their efforts during the current Covid crisis by Mrs Anna Turner, Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire.

Thank you to Bev Larkins, Vicki Sergeant, Norah Gough at Ryton X1 Towns, Alice Robinson at Ellesmere for masks and a big thank you to the Laughing Bumble Bee Company at Penley and Tim Beardmore for producing face visors.

Liza van der Horst for the countless prescriptions she delivered.

Also, to Kimberley Coldwell and the “Sticks Chicks” team for the head bands to make the wearing of masks a little more comfortable to wear.

To people and businesses in town that donated materials to make the masks.

Those that helped manage our very busy Facebook page and so many more people that played a part in supporting our people.

To the 107 residents that volunteered to be Angels but were only able to use a small number of them.

Mike Lade and Shelley Glover said, “Oswestry is a great place to live. It is amazing how well our community has come together to help each other to help each other – Oswestry thanks you.”

Information can be found on www.oswestryangels.co.uk or oswestryangels@gmail .com

Picture shows photo of the “thank you” card from the Lord-Lieutenant for Shropshire, Anna Turner