Following a successful short Ofsted inspection of the Marches School last month, the school has maintained its ‘Good’ rating and continues to provide young people in Oswestry with high quality education.
Since the last inspection in January 2014, the school has seen a number of personnel changes, particularly in senior leadership positions, including that of Associate Headteacher Mrs. Alison Pearson. The report highlighted that leadership responsibilities and lines of accountability are clear and that the sixth form provision is now well-established.
Whilst maintaining its rating of ‘Good’, the inspection pointed out a number of strong improvements across the school, with the level of ambition that the leaders and governors have for the pupils, which is excellently displayed with the whole school ethos of ‘achievement through caring’.
Moreover, the school has been complimented on its broad and balanced curriculum, its self-evaluation and the effectiveness of safeguarding. It was also commented that the school in general has a positive, calm and orderly atmosphere during lessons and pupils are safe and well looked after.
Mrs. Alison Pearson, Associate Headteacher of the Marches School, commented: “As a school, we are extremely happy with the result of the recent Ofsted Inspection. The improvements we have made as a school are testament to the hard work and determination of staff, pupils and parents. The support of our wider community helps the school to flourish and grow. We will continue striving to give our young people an excellent education and platform for adult life”.
Mark Liquorish, Chair of Governors at the Marches School, added: “The trustees and governors of the Marches School are extremely pleased with the continued high standards at the Marches and are happy that we are going from strength to strength, which has been recognised by Ofsted.”
Sarah Longville, CEO of the Marches Academy Trust, continued: “The Marches Academy Trust is continuing to build a strong reputation for providing a high quality of education across north Shropshire for young people. We believe in a holistic curriculum to ensure that our young people thrive and are successful in life. The Trust will carry on investing in our community, through national education conferences organised and hosted by the Trust, to ensure that we remain at the cutting edge of education developments so that we continue to make progress”.