Autumnal celebrations took place as Moreton First pupils entertained their parents and grandparents during their annual harvest festival. Pupils from the early years classes through to Year 6 sang and recited poetry and readings about the history and traditions of this annual calendar event.
As part of the celebration pupils brought in homegrown produce and food items to donate to Oswestry Food Bank, who rely on the support of the local community for food donations which offer a lifeline to those in need. Meeting representatives from Oswestry Food Bank who attended a school assembly this month brought awareness to the pupils and shared the impact that their donations will make.
Amy Lott, Head of Moreton First Music, said: “This is one of my favourite events as it includes every pupil from Transition through to Year 6. We are incredibly proud of every performer for taking to the stage and we now look forward to our Christmas events.”
“Thank you to everyone who supported the festival and donated to this worthwhile cause.”