For the second year running Sarah Hopkins, Director of HopkinsLongworth, was delighted to join students of Moreton Hall at their recent ‘Directors Table’.
Student from Moreton Sixth Form, who run the successful Moreton Enterprise business, hosted the evening event and the focus was on how to be prepared and equipped for future careers.
In her role, as a Future of Jobs ambassador for the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, Sarah was able to share current data and trends whilst also giving advice and support to the students on the important areas of interview and CV preparation.
Sixth Form student Cerys said. ”I now understand how important presenting yourself is in the world of work and I am now thinking of ways to use the techniques in interviews.”
Sarah Hopkins commented, “I love working with young talent and this group of girls are certainly that. Mentoring and supporting them is so rewarding and if I can help in a small way at a pivotal point in their future careers then I am very happy. I look forward to following their progress and I am sure they will be successful’.
Pictured: Sarah Hopkins (Centre) with some of the Sixth Form students and Clare Downes, Owner of The Circle Communication and Monkhouse Food & Drink. (left)