‘Weston Park— the house, the families and the influence’

 The next meeting of Oswestry & Border History & Archaeology Group is on Friday 13th October in the Methodist Church Hall, Castle Street, Oswestry at 7.30pm.

Dr Gareth Williams, currently the Curator and Head of Learning at Weston Park in Shropshire, will be talking on the long history of the house, which is set in a 1000 acre park landscaped by Capability Brown  and was the ancestral home of the Earls of Bradford, The whole estate was gifted to the country by the current Earl and contains a very  impressive collection of paintings.

Full details of Oswestry& Border History & Archaeology Group’s activities are available on the group’s website at http://obhag.org.uk,

New members and visitors are always very welcome.

For all enquiries and for information about how to join please contact OBHAG via the Secretary, Gill Barrow gillbarrow246@gmail.com or the Membership Secretary, Margaret Harrison  harrisonm-r@tiscali.co.uk