A community support group in Oswestry is offering support to families to ensure children do not go to sleep hungry at night.
Mike Lade from Oswestry Angels said: “During these challenging times, anyone who is not working, not getting paid, has had their hours cut and runs out of food or necessities, or times are just tough, are asked to not be afraid or embarrassed to contact Oswestry Angels.
“Recently we received a request for help from a worried mother who was struggling for food and we were grateful to Steph Jones, Nicola Harrington and store manager Wendy Astley at the One Stop in Cabin Lane, Oswestry for the two bags of food and other necessities that the Angel’s delivered to her door. ” Wendy Astley said, “As a community-based company, we are very pleased to help out this family as well as providing a bin in store for customers to donate food for the Oswestry Food Bank.”
One Stop also now have collection bin at the door for people to put dry and non-perishable food in that will go the Oswestry Food Bank in Beatrice street.
Information can be found on www.oswestryangels.co.uk or oswestryangels@gmail .com
Pictured: Steph Jones outside the Cabin Lane One Stop shop