Oswestry Memorial Hall is getting a makeover thanks to AICO’s Project SOS and a band of volunteers made up of hall users.

Each day during the week commencing Monday 4th November, a team from AICO will be at the hall to help decorate the main ground floor Oswald room; last refurbished back in the 1990s.

The hall, which first opened to the public in 1906, has faced a number of challenges over recent years but is fast becoming a thriving community hub for groups, organisations, business owners and freelancers.

As well as hosting clubs and events as varied as Fencing club, a weekly Artisan Country Market and a regular Repair Cafe, it is also home to singing and dance lessons, business meetings and training, and a whole host  more.

Many of its users are contributing to the makeover, either by grabbing a paintbrush themselves or donating money or equipment.

Oswestry Memorial Hall is also benefiting from help from Oswestry Lions who are covering the main material costs, and from Town Mayor Mike Isherwood who has a special OMH fundraising programme to help new groups access and benefit from the refurbished hall.

Hall Manager Paul Newman says “Oswestry Memorial Hall was gifted to the town in 1906 by Mrs Sarah Parry-Jones. She wanted it to be a memorial to her two sisters who died within a week of each other. She hoped the hall would be a place to inspire and enable community spirit.

What’s happening here this week is exactly what she would have wanted and will help make sure the hall carries on being a vital community venue for Oswestry in the future.

I’m really grateful to AICO, Oswestry Lions, Mike Isherwood and all the volunteers who are helping out this week – and beyond. Local trades and suppliers are helping in many ways. and all will be acknowledged in a special ‘Hall of Fame’ notice we’ll erect in the hall. The Memorial Hall is more than a building, it is a community of people. I hope this will be the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in the hall’s history and that we can welcome more people through the doors.”

AICO community liaisons Laura Opechowska & Jane Pritchard added “ Our colleagues are really excited to be involved in this project. We look forward to seeing the transformation, the difference it will make and how the community will benefit from the refurb!”