Are you or someone you know, blind or partially sighted and/or have difficulties reading the newspaper?
Would you/they like to hear up to date local news?
Oswestry Talking News(OTN) is a registered charity, No. 511634 and was formed in 1978.
Its purpose. is to provide relief for those suffering from visual impairments or some temporary or permanent incapacity or disability which makes reading a strain, by providing an audio version of local news and information taken from local newspapers and magazines.
We are a group of volunteers who prepare a weekly recording of articles taken from local publications, and it also includes other local information and topics that are of interest to our listeners. This is a free service.
The recording is made available to our listeners onlinethe same day, using the Talking Newspaper application, the library on our website, or Amazon Alexa.
If you have Alexa why not listen to our last recording, it is ever so easy?
All you have to say is:-
“Alexa – enable Talking Newspapers” Then
“Alexa – open Talking Newspapers”
When requested,
“Oswestry” and then “Yes” to confirm.
For those of our listeners who do not have online access, the recording is provided on a memory stick and delivered in a yellow zipped pouch by Royal Mail. The listener would be provided with an easy-to-use media player. If you, or someone you know, who would be interested in receiving OTN in this way please email OTN visit our website or telephone 07986584611
If you would be interested in volunteering for this worthwhile charity, please email (all skills needed, and you would be very welcome).