Ellesmere’s poppy appeal has hit a record high total, with nearly £13,000 raised in the past year.
“It’s hard to believe that a small rural community like ours can be so generous, especially when we’ve going through a cost-of-living crisis,” said appeal organiser Caroline Ford.
“We knew we’d raised a lot of money, but it was only when we added up the final figures, that we realised that we’d done better than ever. It’s amazing.”
The final tally for Royal British Legion’s Ellesmere and District branch in the financial year ending September 30 was £12.926, smashing the previous record of £11,869 set in 2017/18.
“It’s heart- warming to receive such a wonderful response,” said Mrs Ford.”
“I want to say a huge thank-you to everyone who has donated money and helped us in other ways. We’re only a small team and we’re extremely grateful for all the support we’ve had from so many people throughout the town and neighbouring villages, It’s been a fantastic community effort involving our local schools, shops and other businesses, pubs, churches and other organisations, as well as individuals.”
The schools’ contributions totalled more than £1,000 and a similar amount was donated by customers at Mere Motors service station. The Legion’s annual poppy concert also raised over £500. A poppy merchandise stall set up at the entrance to the town’s Tesco store added another £3,400, with the Criftins’ Coffee Club donating more than £450 from a get-together in the village community centre.
Legion branch chairman Bob McBride said: Across the UK, the Poppy Appeal raised £50 million last year. The money raised locally will go towards ensuring that the Legion is able to take care of members of our armed forces community when they need help financially or in accessing support for physical injuries and mental health issues resulting from keeping our country safe and secure, especially in such troubled times internationally.
“So often the lives of our servicemen and women and their families are changed forever by their bravery and selflessness and it’s vital that we continue to recognise that.
“The Legion is at the heart of a national network that gives life-long support to serving and ex-serving members of the forces and their families through thick and thin. We’ve been doing it since 1921 and we hope the people of Ellesmere and district will go on supporting us.
“Our next appeal begins later this month, in the run-up to Remembrance Sunday on November 10, and we hope we can match, if not exceed, the magnificent total that‘s been raised this year. Many thanks to everyone for being so generous.”
If you would like to be involved as a volunteer for this year’s appeal, please contact Caroline Ford on 07753 305105