With existing members moving on to university St. Oswald’s Choir will have vacancies for new choristers from September.
St. Oswald’s Choir is rare in that it is a parish church choir where the top line is composed entirely of young voices Week by week the cathedral church repertoire is sung to a high standard and choristers will gain experience of a wide range of music.
Choristers receive free singing lessons using the ‘Voice for Life’ scheme which offers a superb grounding in vocal development and musicianship. The scheme will train the young person’s voice so that they have the vocal technique needed for whatever genre of music they may wish to sing.
Director of Music, Mike Donkin, is looking for boys and girls aged 11 – 13. As a guide, he is not looking for expertise in singing; that will be taught. He is looking for young people who can sing in tune and have a good reading ability since they will have to cope with singing in Latin on a regular basis as well as other languages.
Once the new term starts there will be a ‘taster’ session at St. Oswald’s Parish Centre (at the back of the church or access from the Broadwalk) on Saturday 7th September at 11.00am. Refreshments will be available.
At that session, prospective choristers and / or their parents can learn what choir membership entails – both the benefits of membership and the type of training on offer. Senior Choristers will be present to talk to attendees about their experience of life in the choir.
Anyone interested is welcome to come along and find out about the choir with no commitment.
Picture credit: St Oswald’s Parish Church