On Wednesday 12th July, The Marches School welcomed students and their families to the 7th annual Governors Rewards event to celebrate the top ten students of each year group who earned the most rewards points this academic year.
Year 9 student Immie Dean opened the event with a musical performance on the piano, shortly followed by a welcome from Associate Assistant Headteacher Miss Phillips. Presentations were then given to all top ten reward point earners in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10.
The Rewards Shield was then awarded to the student who earned the most reward points in the whole school by Vice Chair of the Local Governing Body, Mark Liquorish. The shield was won by Year 9 student Rebecca Owen who won a total of 1534 points this academic year.
Rebecca’s Form Tutor Mr Jennings, commented, “Rebecca is an amazing student to have in form. She tirelessly helps others with her work as an LRC ambassador, as well as volunteering at a choir club for primary pupils. Rebecca is a great ambassador for the school and has gladly taken on the role of introducing a form member to the school as well as helping out on Open Evenings.” He continued, “Rebecca has a packed extra-curricular schedule with MD Warriors, Scouts and Stagecoach Performing Arts. I’m constantly impressed with Rebecca’s enthusiasm, politeness and kindness.”
Photo 1 – Year 7 top ten reward point earners.
Photo 2 – Year 8 top ten reward point earners.
Photo 3 – Year 9 top ten reward point earners.
Photo 4 – Year 10 top ten reward point earners.
Photo 5 – Year 9 student Rebecca Owen receiving her Rewards Shield off Mark Liquorish.
Photo 6 – Year 9 student Rebecca Owen with her Rewards Shield.