Midlands Air Ambulance Charity is facing a reduction in fundraising income as new data suggests 60 per cent of people have cut back on donations in the past six months as families struggle with the cost-of-living crisis[1].

During times of austerity, when people may not have the funds to give to charity, Midlands Air Ambulance Charity is asking those that are unable to donate today to consider leaving a gift in their Will to support the future of the lifesaving service.

Four out of every ten vitally important missions the charity is called to are funded by gifts in Wills, with each air mission costing an average of £2,950 and each land mission costing an average of £288.

The pre-hospital emergency service has partnered with 15 local law firms across the six counties it serves to offer a free Will writing service for anyone aged 55 and over in a bid to maintain its legacy donations. It also aims to encourage the two in three UK residents and 42 per cent of people over the age of 55[2] that do not have a Will, to put one in place at no cost to them.

Emma Wood, head of fundraising and engagement for Midlands Air Ambulance Charity, said: “The number of people that donated to charities over Christmas fell by four million in 2022 compared with the previous year[3]. While this statistic for a charity like ours is hugely concerning, it is understandable when times are tough.

 “That’s why we want to shine a spotlight on our free Will writing scheme. We understand people may not be in the position to support charities if they don’t have disposable income during the here and now, but they may still want to show their support as part of their lasting legacy.

 “Anyone who leaves a gift in their Will to our charity will help contribute towards the millions of pounds we need every year to make our lifesaving missions possible. Gifts in Wills, whatever the value, are a great way to leave a long-lasting, meaningful legacy.”

Midlands Air Ambulance Charity’s free Will Writing Service is available to anyone aged 55 and over. For further information, visit: midlandsairambulance.com/freewillscheme.

[1] Source: StepChange

2 Source: Macmillan Cancer Support

3 Source: Charities Aid Foundation

[1] Source: StepChange

[2] Source: Macmillan Cancer Support

[3] Source: Charities Aid Foundation