Wrexham Glyndwr University has been allocated £750,000 from the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) Capital Funding 2021/22 pot.
The money will be spent on the next stage of the university’s campus 2025 developments – a £70m project to enhance all of the university’s campuses and provide state-of-the-art facilities for students.
The current laboratory spaces on C corridor in the main building on the Plas Coch campus will be upgraded as part of the next stage of campus 2025. This will include two laboratory spaces and a prep space being refurbished into high quality, digitally enhanced spaces with new fit for purpose laboratory furniture and equipment.
Associate Dean in the Faculty of Social & Life Sciences, Neil Pickles said: “Our existing laboratories are aged now and no longer fit for purpose. We will be modernising these spaces so even more students can benefit from them, including forensic science, biochemistry, anthropology and healthcare science students.
“As well as the refurbishment of the space and the installation of brand-new equipment and furniture, we will also be installing viewing windows to the labs, to enable other students, staff and visitors to observe activities taking place.”
The works will better link C corridor with the recently refurbished B corridor and provide a new communal space between the two for students to utilise. The works are due to begin in May next year and will be completed over the summer period ready for use at the start of the new academic year in September 2022.
Other campus 2025 projects in the pipeline include the construction of a brand new engineering building as part of the North Wales Growth Deal project, refurbishment of Plas Coch buildings to create the Health & Innovation Quarter, which will house the Health Education and Allied Health Education courses awarded to the university over summer and a new gateway building to house reception, the Students’ Union, restaurant and a recruitment hub.
For more information about Wrexham Glyndwr University, please visit https://glyndwr.ac.uk/