Oswestry Cambrian Rotary Club visited Our Lady’s and St Oswald’s school recently to present voucher prizes to pupils who had recently entered a competition to design a badge for walkers taking part in Oswald’s Trail on August 4th .

Ian Slipper from Oswestry Cambrian Rotary Club said, “This is the first year the Trail has been held and Cambrian Rotary hope it will become an annual event. This year the proceeds raised will go to the Movement Centre.

“Over 40 entries were received, which were excellent, full of ideas and colour. Because there were so many entries Cambrian Rotary Club decided to extend the number of prizes and present a winning prize, 4 runners up and a highly commended.

“At the School Assembly there was plenty of excitement and smiling faces as the winners were announced. Isobel was the outright winner, Haadiya, Dalia, Jess and Hannah were runners up, and the highly commended prize went to Maise from the reception class.

“We would like to thank Mrs O’Dwyer, head of school for arranging the competition, and the children for their enthusiasm and submitting so many entries into the competition.”

There is still time to book a place on the walk us by using the QR code on the Oswestry Cambrian Rotary Club website.