Oswestry sees the launch of a Street Rangers initiative, fully funded by Oswestry BID (Business Improvement District), and in partnership with West Mercia Police and Valley Security. In preparation for their role, the Street Rangers received training in a range of areas to strengthen the working relationship with local police.
The new town centre service comes in response to a significant increase in shoplifting and incidents of anti-social behaviour, which has become a national issue, impacting towns across the country.
BID Manager, Adele Nightingale, is looking forward to seeing the Street Rangers making a difference in the town centre, and believes the partnership with Oswestry police is vital in the endeavour.
Adele said, “We’d like to thank Inspector Greenaway for partnering with BID in this initiative, to build strong operational relationships between the Street Rangers and West Mercia Police. This is a key foundation for the service to work well on the ground, and we really appreciate the insight and experience Inspector Greenaway brings to the project.”
The Street Ranger model has been successfully applied in many towns and cities. BID have looked to use best practice to guide the design of the service, adding bespoke aspects tailored specifically to Oswestry town centre’s needs.
Inspector Greenaway of West Mercia Police said, “In recent months I have been invited to work with Oswestry BID on their Street Rangers project. Their drive and enthusiasm to bring this project to the town is extremely encouraging and the project will very much work with, and complement, the Local Policing Charter that guides the work my Safer Neighbourhood Team do in Oswestry.
“Community Guardianship is to be encouraged, and it is clear that the BID have those who live and work within the town at the forefront of their mind. I will ensure that my Safer Neighbourhood Team works closely with the Street Rangers in their continued efforts to safeguard their community from harm.”
Oswestry’s Street Rangers will be a visible presence around the town, providing community engagement and playing a key role in the town’s security network. Focussed on reducing anti-social behaviour and crime in the town centre, the Street Rangers will work closely with Oswestry BID, West Mercia Police, Oswestry Town Council, Shropshire Council, and other partners, to bring a much-needed resource to town, keeping clear lines of communication with businesses, and contributing to the pro-active management of the town centre.
The measures seek to provide shops and businesses in the town centre with the practical support to handle these difficult challenges, and to strengthen and enhance the safety of staff and customers.
Street Rangers with the BID team and Oswestry police.