1. If you book an advertising package you must pay for ALL the months you have committed to in order to receive the discounted rate for that period. Should you cancel during the booking you agreed to, an additional charge will be made depending on how many issues you have had up to that point. If you cancel before 6 months you will charged for the difference on all adverts received at the one month rate, if you cancel between 6 and 12 months you will be charged for the difference on all adverts received at the 6 month rate. All cover premium positions require a 3-month cancellation period.
All cancellations must be in writing, either by email to info@oswestrylife.co.uk or info@itsbeautiful.co.uk or by post to:
7 Lower Brook Street, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2HG.
2. All cancellations must be in writing, either by email to info@oswestrylife.co.uk or info@itsbeautiful.co.uk or by post to: 7 Lower Brook Street, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2HG. Cancellations can only be accepted 28 days before the advertising copy deadline for the next publication. If less than 28 days notice is given the advertising space must be paid for in full.
3. Copy for your advertisement should be sent before the copy deadline date (usually 5th of the Month proceeding delivery). If you have requested that your ad be designed by us, it is your responsibility to ensure that you give us the correct information about your business, i.e. contact details, prices, descriptions etc. and you must proof check your advert by the deadline date. If we receive no reply to your proof email, we will presume the advertisement is correct and approved for print.
4. Advertisements submitted to us should be in at least one of the following formats: PDF, JPEG, TIFF or MS Word. In a minimum of 300 DPI, they may be submitted by E-mail to info@oswestrylife.co.uk or info@itsbeautiful.co.uk
5. We take no responsibility for the content of your advert. It is your responsibility to ensure that your advert is legal and copyright free.
6. If you wish to use your advert in another publication you will be required to ask the written permission of DTS MEDIA LTD. A charge of £35 + vat will be payable before any artwork is released.
7. There Is no design fee for professional building of ads and artwork carried out by DTS Media Ltd and appearing within any of our publications.
8. We reserve the right to refuse advertisements which may be defamatory or offensive or which promote products that may be considered indecent.
9. We can make no guarantees that your ad will be successful; therefore, we are unable to offer you a refund if you receive no response. The cost of your ad covers the cost of printing. For the best chance of success, we recommend that you advertise for six or more issues. As the readers become familiar with your advertisement, they are more likely to remember you should they need your product or service at a later date.
10. When you book your advertisement, you are agreeing to pay the current ad price by the due date. The due date is stated on the invoice. Please note that all invoices not settled within our payment terms will be referred to our Debt Recovery Agents, My Credit Controllers Limited. Daily interest will be charged and from the point of transferring the account to My Credit Controllers Limited additional recovery charges will be added to the account.
11. You are required to pay in full unless you have made a special arrangement by Direct Debit or Standing Order to pay in instalments. For booking advertisements in six or twelve issues, you may choose to pay monthly or in full for the package.
12. Advertisement bookings for 6 or 12 issues may be paid by monthly direct debit or standing order. For a Standing Order form, contact DTS MEDIA LTD on info@oswestrylife.co.uk or info@itsbeautiful.co.uk.
13. If you wish to cancel your Direct Debit or Standing Order, you must inform DTS MEDIA LTD, before the next deadline date. Failure to do so may result in your ad being included in the following edition and you will be sent a separate invoice which you are required to pay in full (see clause 1 for charges when cancelling before the end of your booking).
14. If you have booked an ad for six issues or more and cease trading during this period, it is your responsibility to contact us to remove your ad. If you have paid in advance, you will receive a refund for the outstanding bookings, less an admin fee of £15.
15. If you wish to upgrade your ad to a larger size during your booking period, you will be sent an invoice to cover the increased cost and your Standing Order will need to be changed accordingly. Should you wish to downgrade your ad to a smaller size; you must give a months’ notice.
16. Photographs taken by our photographer, remain the property of DTS MEDIA LTD and Graham Mitchell, and must not be used for further commercial activity without the written permission of DTS MEDIA LTD or Graham Mitchell. A charge of £50 + vat will be payable before any photographs are released.
17. Our business calls may be recorded for training and compliance purposes. These recorded conversations will be used for the purpose of verifying business transactions.
18. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and in the event of disputes the parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.