The annual Borderland Rotary presidential handover was, for obvious reasons, delayed from June and finally happened the other day at The Sweeney Hall Hotel at a ‘distanced’ BBQ. David Kendal handed over the presidential sash to Brian Ashton with the help of a trekking pole to maintain distance.
Brian Ashton said, “While I am of course honoured to become president, I wonder what sort of year I have to look forward to? Everything has changed and we’re not at all sure what fund-raising events we can hold or even if we will be able to have our weekly ‘live’ meetings. We will have to see if the Fireworks in Brogyntyn or the Christmas parade can actually happen but we are looking forward to the Mountain-bike challenge next May – I’m sure that will happen whatever stage we’re at with social distancing.”
Rotary presidents are in post for one year, from June to June and are appointed democratically by each club.
Pictured left to right: Brian Ashton, David Kendal