North Shropshire College (NSC) has been busy trying to stress the importance of e-safety to students through a mandatory e-safety quiz. This is being done for ‘Safer Internet Day’ on Tuesday 7th February in collaboration with the UK Safer Internet Centre to promo

Senior tutor Sally Jones commented:

“E-Safety is a critical aspect of the tutorial program at North Shropshire College. Students have covered a range of e-Safety topics since September including extremism, radicalisation, online grooming, safe use of money and spoof websites. There are now more ways than ever before to create, edit and share videos and images online. The aim of the tutorial programme is to ensure that our students are equipped with the skills they need to have a safe and positive time online.”

Celebrated in over 100 countries, Safer Internet Day will see NSC join hundreds of organisations right across the UK and globally to ‘be the change’ and help create a better internet.

Find out more and get involved at

Applications are being taken now for all courses starting in September 2017. To apply now, visit the website at or call the Admissions Team on 01691 688080.

Pictured: Tutor Sally Jones explains e-safety to a student