From singing to sailing, bell-ringing to bowling, there’s no shortage of things to do in Ellesmere. That’s the motivational message from the town’s mayor ahead of a special event, giving local community groups a chance to promote their many and varied activities and encourage more people to get involved.
Next Saturday, (March 16), nearly 40 organisations will be setting out stalls to ‘sell themselves’ in Ellesmere market hall. They will include youth groups, arts, crafts, music and sports clubs, charity fund-raisers and volunteer support workers, together with environmental and social groups.
The Mayor, Councillor Anne Wignall explained: “This is an opportunity to find out more about what’s available in Ellesmere, including activities for the young and the not-so-young.
“During my two years as mayor, I have enjoyed going along to so many events and activities organised by the wonderful community groups in our town. People have been really friendly and welcoming. So as I come to the end of my term, I want to give these amazing groups the opportunity to let more people know about what they do, to recruit new members and to do a bit of fundraising.
“I hope it will be a positive and enjoyable day. The key thing is to encourage lots of visitors to come along and find out more about the wide variety of things that go on in Ellesmere. “It will not just be an information event, but also a chance to get together, listen to live music by the Fizzgigs community arts group and enjoy refreshments provided by local caterers, Pete’s.”
The Community Groups event takes place between 10.30am and 2.30pm.
The Mayor added: “Many residents who’ve lived here for years may not realise the range of opportunities available to get involved in all kinds of activities, and as Ellesmere is a growing town, this is also a chance for newcomers to visit the market hall, have a chat with the various groups and take away some information. Everyone’s welcome.”
The following groups have signed up to take part in the event: Shropshire Sailing Club, Lyneal-cum-Colemere W.I, Heronwatch, Ellesmere Town Council, Fizzgigs, Food Share, Ellesmere Cricket Club, Our Space and the Ellesmere Dementia Steering Group, Ellesmere Community Cars, Ellesmere Support Group for the Severn Hospice, Ellesmere Friends of Hope House, Mere Melodies, Mere News, the Bowling Club, Ellesmere Rotary Club, Mere Volunteers, Ellesmere Amateur Dramatic Society, St Mary’s Church bell-ringers, the Flower Club, Guides and Scouts, Shropshire Wildlife Trust, Repair Cafe, Royal British Legion, Men in Sheds, the Plantation volunteers, Ellesmere Rangers Football Club, Frankton Cricket Club, Criftins Village Hall, Ellesmere Canal Yard, Save the Children fund-raising branch, Ellesmere Sculpture Initiative, Paddle Bros, the Model Railway Club, St Mary’s choir, Ellesmere Carnival Committee, the Gardening Club