The ballot of eligible hereditament holders to decide on a second term for Oswestry BID (Business Improvement District) closed on the 3rd November 2022. The independent ballot was overseen by Civica who announced the results on the 4th November 2022.
In order for a positive ballot result, two tests must be satisfied:
- More than 50% of eligible votes received by hereditament number must be in favour and,
- More than 50% of eligible votes received by hereditament rateable value must be in favour.
A total of 151 votes were cast in the ballot with 60% in favour by hereditament number, and 62% in favour by hereditament rateable value. The result of ballot was therefore positive and so Oswestry BID will continue for a second five year term commencing 1st April 2023.BID Chair, Ian Follington, said, “The BID Team, the Board and I are all naturally delighted with the positive ballot result and wish to thank our Levy Payers for their vote of confidence in Oswestry BID.”
“We are all proud of what Oswestry BID has been able to achieve over the past four and a half years and would like to thank our partners and everybody who has been part of that achievement for their hard work and dedication. I would particularly like to acknowledge the tireless efforts of the BID Team and the strong support we have received from both Shropshire Council and Oswestry Town Council.”
“The focus will now be to deliver the second term Business Plan over the next five years, building on the positive achievements and strong relationships already formed.”
“Finally, I would like to wish all of our Levy Payers all the best and every success in these troubled economic times and please be assured of our continued best efforts on your behalf for the next five years.”