Oswestry School has enjoyed over 600 years of academic excellence and is keen to support children who would benefit from the opportunity to study at this historic school. Along with annual scholarships the Headmaster, Mr Julian Noad, will be introducing a new initiative for September 2019 to support scholars.
Mr Noad commented, “School fees are a challenge for many and parents see costs with university tuition fees looming on the horizon. Oswestry School also recognises that A-levels are challenging, but there is a clear academic emphasis in their Sixth form. With this is mind we will be offering a special Headmaster’s Academic Award to any pupil who secures six sixes (or Bs) or better in their GCSEs. This offer, excepting when other scholarship has already been awarded, will be worth 20% off the Sixth Form fees with the discount being applied after confirmation of results in August.”
This new initiative will sit alongside the scholarship opportunities that the School currently offer at Year 7, Year 9 and for Sixth Form. The scholarships are awards, up to a maximum of 40% of net fees, made to pupils demonstrating a particularly high standard of achievement or potential regardless of financial need. They will normally be held for the duration of a child’s time at Oswestry School, subject to satisfactory performance and commitment.
All scholars are expected to contribute enthusiastically and regularly to the life of the school in their area and to be ambassadors of learning throughout their time at Oswestry School. These awards are limited and highly competitive.
For more information about the Oswestry School ‘six sixes’ initiative, or to discuss scholarship opportunities email registrar@oswestryschool.org.uk or telephone 01691 655 711.