The Mayor, Councillor Jay Moore gave a heartfelt talk at Borderland Rotary last week and explained the charitable, mental health task force he is setting up and talked about being the mayor.

Councillor Moore started with a summary of the way he intends to deal with mental health issues in the under 18s, and said, “Covid casts a long shadow generally, but particularly in youth mental health and there is little current facility to cater for this so I decided that, rather than channel all monies I can raise into one charity, I would set up a fund that can be directed when and where it is needed most. One of the fund-raising events I’ve set up, with help from the Mayoress, Poppy King is a two-part walk called the Oswald’s Trail Challenge and these sponsored walks will take place on Sunday 26th March and Saturday 8th April and hopefully, they’ll be community events as well as fundraisers”.

He then discussed the roll of the Mayor and how he had approached his Mayoral year.  Councillor Moore continued, “When I first stood for the council, I had no ambition or desire to become Mayor and it seemed very unlikely that it would ever be my turn but, a couple of years ago, resignations and election results bumped me up the order and here I am, and I’m giving it my best and having a blast!  Although my picture is in the media most weeks, I don’t feel I’m the one in the spotlight – rather, I‘m holding the spotlight and showing off what a great community we have here in Oswestry and working together can only make it better”.

To find out about Oswald’s Trail Challenge, please email

Pictured left to right: Paul Evison, Mayor Cllr Jay Moore, Chris Bryan-Smith & Cathy Osselton.