Oswestry Town Council’s meeting on the 22nd of March concludes the schedule of meetings for the 2022/23 civic year and has a packed agenda covering events, policing priorities for Oswestry and capital projects (including Splash Pad and Loft Insulation projects).
On behalf of the Council, Oswestry Town Mayor Cllr Jay Moore, has invited the Leader of Shropshire Council, Councillor Lezley Picton, to the meeting and she will be joined by the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Councillor Richard Marshall. The invited guests will provide an overview of the key issues and challenges in the County and there will be an opportunity for elected members to ask questions on local matters.
The meeting is open to the press and public with an opportunity to ask questions at the start of the meeting during the public session.
Details of the Council agenda can be found on the Oswestry Town Council website http://www.oswestry-tc.gov.uk/home.html from the 17th of March.