North Shropshire College (NSC) Hospitality and Catering students recently enjoyed a trip to the Welsh Culinary Championships to test their cooking skills, and impress competition judges with their talents. Students across Level one, two and three courses at NSC took part in the Championships, alongside many other junior and senior chefs and waiting staff who head to the competition every year.

The students thoroughly impressed the judges with their skills, and came away from the competition with two certificates of merits, four silver medals and a best in class award for culinary vegetable cuts.

Sharon Cooper, Curriculum Area Manager for Commercial Services comments, “We are delighted with the results achieved by the students at the Championships. It’s a credit to the hard work of the Hospitality and Catering students, and the members of staff that support them, that we have been able to obtain such successes.”

Zak Owen a Level 1 Professional Cookery student adds “I found it a really rewarding experience and I was chuffed to win a silver medal and a certificate of merit for my knife skills.”

For more information about Hospitality and Catering courses at NSC, please visit or call our Admissions Team on 01691 688080 for more information. We are also holding a series of Pre-Course Taster Workshops throughout 2018. To find out more, or to book please contact Chloe Edwards, Schools Liaison and Marketing Co-ordinator on 01691 688087 or email

Pictured:  L-R Kathryn Peake (received 2 silver medals and best in class for the week of competition for knife skills), Kelly Jones (silver medal and a certificate of merit) and Zak Owen (silver medal and a certificate of merit) all Level 1 Professional Cookery Students.