Oswestry Cambrian Rotary Club has recently celebrated their seventh year as a club at their regular meeting place, The Wynnstay Hotel.  Receiving it’s Charter on 23rd April 2015, it joined the Rotary world of more than 35,000 other clubs and 1.2 million members in over 200 countries.

Guests and members listened with interest as Town Crier, Phil Brown, gave an entertaining full volume account of how he came to occupy this civil role.

Club President Anna Pugh commented that; ‘We had a most enjoyable evening and I would like to register our thanks to The Wynnstay Hotel and it’s staff. As usual, the meal was excellent and they provide us with a free meeting place every Thursday evening.’

Oswestry Cambrian Rotary Club is ready to welcome individuals and couples of 18+ from the local community who want to be “people of action”.  We meet face-to-face at The Wynnstay Hotel, Church Street, Oswestry on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm and meet up in the bar. Alternatively, people can join the meeting from wherever they are via our Zoom account connection.

For more information on what their new style of Rotary has to offer contact Mike Lade on 01691 570917, info@oswestrycambrianrc.co.uk or see www.oswestrycambrianrc.co.uk. Also, you can find us on Facebook @oswestrycambrianrc.

Pictured:  Town Crier Phil Brown and birthday cake.